$762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024: Know Payout Date, Amount, Eligibility

The Australian government is going to provide the $762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024 to all the eligible candidates of the nation. The government has launched this programme for all the jobseekers of Australia to provide financial support to them for their livelihood. All those Australian who have completed the age of 22 years and under the age of retirement will be eligible to get the payment of Australia Jobseeker for the year of 2024. If you want to be the beneficiary of this payment scheme you have to fulfill the residence rules decided by the Australian government. To know more about the Australia Jobseeker Payment read the information below carefully. 

$762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024

The jobseeker payment is going to be paid by the Australian government to all the job seeking residents of Australia for the year of 2024. In this benefit the government will pay the $762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024 to all the eligible beneficiaries. The government will organize a test named income and assets test in which all the beneficiary individuals need to provide the right information about their assets and income as the Australia Jobseeker Payment Amount 2024 will be decided by the government on the basis of income and assets test. To get the payment you must be a person who is unemployed and seeking a job or you are a person who is injured or sick and is not able to do their usual work or study for a short time. The individual will not be eligible to get the payment if they are receiving the certain payments from the DVA. 

Article Name$762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024
Year 2024
Launched by Australian government 
Australia Jobseeker Payment Amount 2024$762
$762 Australia Jobseeker Benefit Eligibility 2024All job seeker of Australia 
Age limit 22 years to age of pension 
$762 Australia Jobseeker Payment Date 2024June 2024
Category Finance
Official Website servicesaustralia.gov.au
$762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024

$762 Australia Jobseeker Benefit Eligibility 2024

All the candidates who want to get the Australia Jobseeker Payment Amount 2024 of $762 under Job Seeker Payment needs to meet all the eligibility criteria decided by the Australian Government. 

  • The candidate must completed the age of 22 years  but under the age of pension
  • Must fulfill all the residency rule of Australia decided by the Australian Government 
  • The individual meets the assets and income tests

Beneficiary needs to fulfill at least one condition which is mentioned below:

  • The candidate is unemployed and seeking work.
  • The candidates must be injured or sick due to which he can not work or study for a short time. 

The citizen will not be eligible to get the payment of Jobseeker if they get the payment from the DVA. 

(A) Eligibility criteria for unemployed citizen who is looking for a job

If any of the following condition applies apply for the $762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024

  • Citizen must be unemployed 
  • You are doing a part time or casual job and not doing the full time work
  • The beneficiary have been temporary stood down
  • The beneficiary work hours reduced 
  • The income you earned it will make effect on the amount you will receive

(B) eligibility for the citizen who is injured or sick due to which can not work or study for a short time

  • Needs to submit a medical report 
  • Fulfill all the rules decide for these types of persons

Australia Jobseeker Payment Amount 2024

The payment of the Australia Jobseeker will be paid in every two weeks. On your personal situation the amount of teh benefit will be decided:

  • If you have a partner 
  • Age of the individual
  • Number of child if you have
  • The income you and your partner received in the past 14 days. 

AU Jobseeker Payout Rate 2024

Condition Australia Jobseeker Payment Amount 2024 (Maximum)
Single with no child $762.70
Single but have a child or childern who is dependent $816.90
Single, have to age of 55 years and above after 9 continuous months on an income support payment $816.90
Partnered $698.30
Single principal carer granted an exemption from mutual obligation requirement Home schooling Foster caring Non parent relative caring under a court order A distance EducationLarge Family $987.70

$762 Australia Jobseeker Payment Date 2024

  • Approximately within 2 weeks after the payment granted by the government 
  •  Within 211 days after your claim you can expect your payment. 

FAQs on $762 Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024

How much will the beneficiary amount be paid under the Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024?

$762 beneficiary amount will be paid under the Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024. 

What is the qualified age to get the payment under the Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024?

Under the age of 22 years to age of pension is the qualified age to get the payment under the Australia Jobseeker Payment 2024.

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